Essayfilm / MiniDV / 5.30min / 2007
A film by Iris Blauensteiner / Cast: Kathrin Wojtowicz / Voice: Gloria Dürnberger
A young woman emerges from the images. Her Off-Voice tells bits and pieces about the relation to the old Viennese building, she’s living in. What she says is, that her neighbour is an electrician
or that she never goes on the third floor. The shown person stays uncertain. Sie splits into different layers (image, voice, sounds, space). Her identity connects to her surroundings. „Yesterday,
she ripped a piece of colour off the wall. She was scratching for a long time.”
In DOUBLAGE, on the surface, little happens and we leave the film with many images. It works like a poem, leaving openings for the viewer's fantasies and mental games. Iris Blauensteiner's cinematic approach of "It could have been different" allows us to see everyday places with different eyes. Through its well thought-out handling of identities, the film creates different levels of identification for the viewer. A cinematically mature work that arouses curiosity about the unconventional perspective of this young director.
(Jury statement of the film:riss Salzburg Art Film Award 2007)
With a great feeling for cinematic spaces, the director gets to the bottom of the connection between identity and environment. The protagonist is not only a young woman in yellow, but also the house she is talking about.
(Catalogue Vienna Independent Shorts 2007)
* AWARDS: Jury award: art film - film:riss Festival Salzburg 2007 / Award at Wiener Video&Filmtage (film festival for young filmmakers, Vienna) 2007
* FESTIVALS: Gegenwelten - Filmfestival of Austrian Women-Short- and Experimentalfilmmakers, Künstlerhaus-Cinema, Vienna, 2009 / VIS - Vienna Independent Shorts, 2008 / wiener videoundfilmtage,
Vienna, 2007 / YOUKI - International Youth Media Festival, Wels, 2007 / film:riss - Studentfilmfestival, Salzburg, 2007
* SCREENINGS: „Freies Kino“, Stadtkino at Künstlerhaus Vienna, may 7, 2024 / Academic Film Center Belgrade, october 23, 2019 / Screening by "Golden Pixel Cooperative", Kunstverein
Jahnstrasse, Braunschweig, December 5, 2015 /FAK film:riss!, Top-Cinema Vienna, April 17, 2008
* EXHIBITION: Solo-Exhibition „Sonjin septembar 2019: Iris Blauenštajner“, Umetnička galerija Nadežda Petrović, Čačak (Serbia), september 3 - october 31, 2019 / Solo-Exhibition "The yellow room", Gallery Fünfzigzwanzig, Salzburg, novemver 11-22, 2008
* ARTCOLLECTION: State Collections of Lower Austria - Kunstsammlung der Landessammlungen Niederösterreich, from September 2022
* TV: „Oktoskop“ OktoTV, October 19 and 26, 2014
* ONLINE: Kino VOD Club Austria, from 2024